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Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms the
body's natural coping mechanism, causing feelings of helplessness, diminished sense of self
and inability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.

Trauma: Text

Restore your sense of well-being and purpose after trauma

You can become whole and enjoy wellness!


Trauma and life altering events create a disconnect with everyone and everything. States of hyper-vigilance and numbness can cycle. Triggers can set off reactivity. Your whole self and life can suffer. You can feel detached, irritable, anxious and highly reactive in lots of different ways.

We now know that trauma re-wires the brain in an attempt to protect you at the time but in the longer term it can harm you and hold you back from enjoying your life.


Traumas and distressing events can hijack our sense of well-being and true purpose. The good news is you have neuro-plasticity, which means your brain and body can recover and be restored. You can live well again or maybe for the first time experience wellbeing.


Trauma doesn't have to define you. With reframing and proper processing, you can learn to reconnect with yourself and others. You can change the course of your life by focusing on the things that aid your healing. In doing so, the thoughts and reactivity that harm you will extinguish over time. You can find your value and purpose and move forward.

Trauma: Text

Reset your sense of safety and resilience

Psychological therapy, especially EMDR, can facilitate your personal recovery at your pace. Your healing journey is unique to you. Your story is unique. Trauma may have infiltrated every part of your life, but you can change what it has done to you. That time was not lost or wasted but can feel very painful and sad to recognise. It can be processed with a new perspective.


You will learn what is operating in your body and mind and how it is subconsciously holding you to trauma responses. You can get past the past. You don't have to re-live your trauma or be constantly triggered by it.


EMDR therapy will help you tap into your healing and personal growth. You can find restoration and resilience.

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Reading List

The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk 


Mindsight by Daniel Seigal


My Sister Milly by Gemma Dowler


Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach


The Compassionate Mind Workbook: A step-by-step guide to developing your compassionate self by Chris Irons and Elaine Beaumont


Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey E Young

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to

be Vulnerable Transforms the way we Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown 

The ‘Overcoming’ Series of books e.g Overcoming Depression, Overcoming OCD etc (CBT Orientation)


For Children and Young People

Dark, Bad Day...Go Away: A book for children about trauma and EMDR Therapy- Second Edition  by Ana Gomez

All the Colours of Me by Ana Gomez and Sandra Paulson (For Children experiencing dissociation)




TED Talks 


Headspace App


MIND Charity website


OCD Action Charity Website 

A Sleep Restore App using bilateral stimulation - a treatment element in EMDR 

This app seeks to neutralise stress related barriers to sleep using individualised sleep sessions incorporating guided meditations, music and bilateral stimulation – a treatment element of EMDR.

Visit the website to find links to download the app:

Trauma: Text
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